February 7, 2007
LAS VEGAS- We have now received Certified Information on what happened at todays Board Meeting in Summerlin Nevada regarding the issuance of a contract of employment to CHRISTINE A GIBBS , THE CURRENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF SKY LAS VEGAS.
First, please understand that this is a very highly emotional charged issue. And things are being done behind the scenes to assist the residents of Sun City in Summerlin.
We have confirmed the following:
The Summerlin, Nevada USA Sun City Association Board approved offering Christine A. Gibbs a job as the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of the Association with a vote of 5-2
Attending the meeting were media including ABC NEWS. As well as Jan Hogan with the Las Vegas Review Journal, collecting data for Senior Reporter Hubbell Smith who will be writing a story. Also present were other news outlets. Our estimation is that there were over 200 people (very unusual) in attendance. (See Fox News)
A 95 percent majority of the members of the community that attended, did so because they were opposed to hiring Christina A. Gibbs. Gibbs has been the source of recent controversy at her former place of employment Sky Las Vegas ( See www.SkyLasVegas.Info )
Bernard Silver, a resident at Sun City Summerlin Nevada ( SCSCAI ) stated that despite the massive turnout, the Board of Directors, did not seem to care. It should be noted that Attorney Michael L. Schulman was present, and we will be discussing that in detail.
Attorney Don Gelbman stated " I admire their guts for bucking almost everyone but I am greatly concerned about their (the board and Gibbs) ability to lead" Gelbman further stated that " I have no idea of why they did vote today but so be it. Now it is up to the membership. If you approve of what happened today you will not be voting for me. Gelbman is running for a seat on the Board of Directors.
Gelbman was emphatic stating" For those who do vote for me, and if I am elected the first order of business will be an investigation into the capabilities of the new Executive Director, Christine A. Gibbs of Las Vegas Nevada and Chicago Illinois and The second order of business will be to fire Attorney Attorney Michael L. Schulman, who serves at the pleasure of SCSCAI without a term contract.
An Attorney for former Board President Michael Steinman has stated that Steinman is preparing to file an action, as he was pushed off the board for this action to take place.
Further legal action is being prepared by members of the Community to Seek an Immediate Injunction against this "Illegal Hiring"
This was sent to me and I personally confirmed that it is correct. It was confirmed on the Clark County Assessor and Recorder web sites. All are public information sources.
I raised the issue this AM at the BOD meeting and did not receive a response or even acknowledgment from any BOD member.
Bruce Alitt
If you research Clark County Public Records, you’ll learn that the property of Christine and James Gibbs is going to trustee sale in March. I understand that these are hard economic times for many, but that information bodes very poorly. It means that we are about to trust the finances of a multi-million dollar community to a woman who hasn’t managed her own finances very well.
I do not know the issues and reasons for her trustee sale. I admitted that when I made the disclosure at the meeting. Further I did not jump to any conclusion. I just made a statement of public facts that concerned me.
However at that point there was no discussions, answers, comments from the BOD. That does concern me.
Your statement in quotes was forwarded by me, not my words. However I agree with them. This woman who we have now entrusted our multi-million dollar association claims to have been working, per the BOD discussion, for several years. Being offered, to start, about $130,000 per year certainly implies that she was earning in that range. Now her house is in foreclosure. Doesn't that concern you??
Bruce Alitt
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