
Christine Gibbs- $140,000 Base, 6 Weeks Paid Vacation, Starts in Summerlin 3/15/11 .. RIGHT- WE ARE GETTING THE CONTRACT! The Good News.. SHE IS LEAVING SKY!

"King maker LeVasseur"
RE: [SCBuzz] BJ, question cont

Then why is my name plastered on that web site as trying to scam the comunity?

Sun City Summerlin Residents - With the choice of a new Executive Director of SCSCAI close at hand, I would guess that an important meeting needed would no doubt be attended by the SCSCAI President, the SCSCAI Executive Director and the SCSCAI Human Resource Director.

Since King maker LeVasseur has to some extent taken over all three positions, maintenance only set up ONE chair for the meeting of the THREE positions.

Again this may sound terrible, but when many fine SCSCAI seniors are being possibly taken by one person, that one person having led a coup of four on October 4, 2010 to take over SCSCAI, then the decent residents of this fine community must hear the truth, possibly something LeVasseur wants no part of!

Again in my near 40 years in the HOA business never have I faced such a self serving individual as Marilyn LeVasseur.   By the way Ms. LeVasseur, did I ever
thank you and Cullen for passing those supposed secret emails of which I received copies!

            My best and keep up your fine work.   You may have fooled legal counsel
           as he noted in his recent letter that your ethical.   The only other person
           your fooling is yourself!

                   My best,

                                                                        Bob  Passmonick

Sun City Summerlin Residents- NO TO GIBBS
I think the Board has screwed this up so much that right now I don’t give a damn what they do.  It is up to the residents to stop this mess.  We have an election.  We have questionable things going on with the appointment of a NEW Executive Director.

The Committee that was formed for recommending nominees is silent.

SILENT?  I want to see the confidentiality agreement that was signed by each member of the Committee.  Their SILENCE and the total SILENCE of the BOARD is indicative of what is wrong with this place.

As to the 10 days or 9 day or whatever so what.  Having the meeting on the 15 accomplishes what?  The full Board will there? So what?

The new Board takes office on the 29th or so.  Mr. Winkel last worked in the first part of July ( I think). Who knows?  SECRECY  STINKS and it is the bane of democratic principals.

WE have been 6 or more months without an Ex. Dir.  And the RUMOR is we will be another month without the NEWLY anointed one.

So, why the rush?  Because she has to give notice?  Gimme a break. And a clothes pin.


Sun City Summerlin Residents- NO TO GIBBS
When I received the attorney letter notifying me that the Feb. 4th Special Meeting was rescheduled for Feb. 7th because the notice didn't meet the ten day requirement, I took it at face value. When I received the notice for the Feb. 7th Special Meeting (Sat. Jan. 29th) by my count this didn't meet the ten day requirement but someone said the ten days begins on the postmark date not the date of receipt - and I took that at face value.
Accepting that the Feb. 7th Special Meeting was legally noticed, I was still concerned that holding this meeting for the sole purpose of voting on the ED was not setting well with many of our residents. Therefore, in an attempt to help us all avoid a long and tumultuous meeting, I sent the Board a request to either continue or adjourn the Feb. 7th Special Meeting to the next regular meeting (Feb. 15th).

However, based on an email I just received, my request may have been invalid. The email to which I'm referring contained the following excerpt from NRS:
"The date of the special meeting will be set by the executive board and may not be held less than 15 days nor more than 60 days from the date in which the board receives the request.  NRS 116.3108."
If this is true as presented, then the notice for the Feb. 7th Special Meeting was insufficient as well, which means it would be an illegal meeting and therefore could not be either continued or adjourned. And as of today this would prevent any meeting from being held prior to Feb. 15th as there are only 15 days left. So there was no need for my request.

Am I missing something here???
BJ Martens

Sun City Summerlin Residents- NO TO CHRISTINE A. GIBBS

I have lived here in Sun City Summerlin since September 1996.  We selected this to be our full retirement location and as one who never know what a 40 hour week was before retirement I decided to put something back, because it was owed.  Thus I joined the Sun City Properties Committee and served on it for 8 years.  The reason I quit was because I discovered that the Exec Dir was literally too dumb to know how to turn on a switch and would not respond to Prop Comm. recommendations for  money saving suggestions.  So much for that. 
I'm truly mystified by what has been happening in our Common Interest Community known as SUN CITY SUMMERLIN.
This is classified as "Hearsay from reliable sources" and I should add that it is not from anyone like Sheila McCanna, a real estate agent listed with Prudential Insurance, and sends out many communications either telling the readers who to vote for, or more recently because of her embarrassment over the release of a threatening memo to the S.C.Board dated Aug 19, 2010 that was released to the rest of the world in which Stan Bjonerud, a publisher of a self owned document, "The Village Voice" made threats which many have alleged to be"blackmail\extortion".  I have a copy of that document. 
So, on to the "hearsay".
Since Marilyn LeVasseur originated a coup, to successfully oust the President David Steinman and take his place we the members of this 7,779 unit Association have seen a huge escalation in attorneys involved with many aspects that should have been avoided.  The first being, the removal of Steinman as President without any formal charges being made where he had the opportunity to clear his name.  This wasn't difficult to do because there were two seats out of nine open due to one Director dying another resigning for stated 'health reasons'.
As time parsed, the Exec Dir was 'let go' with $128,000 gift, leaving his son behind. The appointees to the Board for the two vacant seats were made.
Meanwhile during and\or before this, the very top notch Human Resource Director who had been hired to replace the prior one hired by the 'let go' Exec Director was providing top notch advice to Levasseur and Secretary Pat Cullen.  They didn't want to listen, and as a true professional, Mrs Jill Eliott resigned with proper notice but offered to help resolve some of the most serious problems which I believe related to classification of Rangers.  LeVasseur didn't
accept the offer and called on Michael Shulman Esq, who as I understand advised the Board to
immediately release the Director of Human Resources.
Moving on............  Now we have a situation wherein it has been learned from 'hearsay' that Michael Schulman Esq  has been promoting one of his clients who was a Property Manager\ Exec Director from a local property (SKY LAS VEGAS ) that has suffered seriously under this person named Chistine A Gibbs. 
Our attorney who has openly expressed his admiration for the integrity of S.C. President LeVasseur is by 'hearsay' very anxious to have our SC hire this Christine who has some very serious impediments in her background. see

I have asked several of my senior in age, and smarter friends; and I might add that there are not too many if the first classification, and many in the second, "what is it that is allegedly driving our President LeVasseur to be so strong in trying to have the Board hire this Christine?"
The answer given that I find unacceptable is that somewhere, there is a "payoff" or something.

I personally have to reject that as 'hearsay'.   A licensed attorney with  the reputation that we have in Michael Shulman wouldn't be involved in anything so nasty and risky.   BUT I want to know before this Christine is hired, what the Employment Contract contains and precisely why she has been found superior to the others in the selection process.  Does she have a higher level of education, more experience, no prior problems known, etc.?  Is that too much to ask as one of 7,779 unit owners who pay the bills and have a legal right to expect all Directors to vote with the understanding that they are "FIDUCIARIES".

Something smells bad!!!!!

Bernard Silver

Sun City Summerlin Residents - In the past near four months SCSCAI has literally been torn from its roots, with a possible dictator as its President, and with SCSCAI legal counsel, not only supporting this dictator, but in writing stating that LeVasseur is ethical!

Now how ethical is LeVasseur???

   *   She on October 4, 2010, managed to convince three cronies to support her
       self interests, this by the four removing the then SCSCAI President, and placing
       LeVasseur in as President!!!

   *   Just prior to taking over SCSCAI LeVasseur no doubt supported paying a large
       sum of resident funds to the Executive Director who was leaving - - -that sum
       being for $128,000.    Did the Executive Director earn the payoff - - -well with
       millions in financial losses, and a financially failed golf program, with the losses
       in the millions - - -is this not the answer???

   *  Then with various residents and even employee Managers disagreeing with the
      hard line LeVasseur dictatorship, what took place next???    Why LeVasseur
      fired the Human Resource Director, she believing in the residents, something no
      doubt, not part of the dictator's plans!!!

   *  Then where did LeVasseur go from there???     Why she wanted to operate
      outside resident input, so she opted for installing a plan of secrecy!!!   How
      does this plan operate, and what proof is there of such a plan???    It operates
      with LeVasseur and another of her cronies Cullen, initiating the secrecy plan,
      by exchanging emails among themselves, in those emails both discussing
      important issues hidden from the residents, hidden from the other Board
      menbers and as mentioned in those messages, even to hide data from their own 
      legal counsel!!!     Oh yes, and thank you to whoever it is who has intercepted
      those LeVasseur/Cullen emails, and have been sending me copies!

   *  Currently SCSCAI is in the long delayed issue of choosing a needed Executive
      Director, the position being vacant since the Board said bye bye to Winkel, with
      that resident fund gift of $128,000.   I do not have the answer to this question
      being asked by residents - - - -that being that since with millions in losses, it
      was obvious Winkel did not earn the likes of $128,000 - - - -was it possibly a
      payoff to keep him quiet regarding what has been taking place in SCSCAI?

Where does this leave SCSCAI many ask???    Well with the unknown with a secrecy policy, but with the long delay in choosing a ED, but more so with the Board and even legal counsel possibly playing games with the recent meeting related to it all - - - - I can for sure say, lets hope that this newly approved Executive Director does not give SCSCAI a repeat of the failures of the past, and that LeVasseur, with
her hand in everything, for once considers her neighbors, something by her actions she has to date proven she has no interest, except to receive their votes for her to possibly be re-elected.

          Think, think, and folks think again when voting!!!

                                                                   Bob  Passmonick

Sun City Summerlin Residents- NO TO GIBBS
Bob P:
We will be foolish to wait for the election.  Marilyn should be
prevented from taking ANY action until the new Board is seated.  When
she removed Steinman as president I did all I could at the Board Meeting
from preventing it from happening but got no help and lost.  This time
if I can get the support from the audience and one or two Board members
willing to support me we can try to prevent any vote for an ED contract
until after the election.  That is the only thing that makes any sense
unless you want what Marilyn wants.
Don Gelbman

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