
Robert Paisola, CEO of Western Capital Announces Class Action Lawsuit Againt Debt Collection Agencies and Creditors who use E-Oscar, Court Awards 1.5 BILLION DOLLARS Wait until we are done with Sky Las Vegas...God Help Them!!

September 07, 2010

Los Angeles, California
Robert Paisola Reports for Thompson Reuters Business Network
Copyright Robert Paisola, 2010 All Rights Reserved

Today was a very bad day for The Debt Collection Industry and Credit Grantor's alike, as A Ruling by a 10th Circuit Judge has stated:

Case law has borne out that this method of investigation is not sufficient. In Cushman vs. Trans Union, Stevenson v. TRW (Experian), and Richardson vs. Fleet, Equifax, et al, the courts ruled each and every time that the CRA couldn't merely "parrot" information from the creditors and collection agencies. They must conduct an independent REASONABLE investigation to ensure the validity of the debt and the honesty/integrity of the creditor/CA in question. This is not regarded by the courts as a reasonable investigation.
Because of a case unilaterally filed in The United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma, against Midland Credit Management, Equifax, Experian and Trans Union by Consumer Credit Activist Vance Dotson in Association with Robert Paisola, The CEO and President of The Western Capital Foundation, it is now possible based upon this landmark decision that ANY COMPANY THAT UTILIZES THE E-OSCAR CREDIT DISPUTE SYSTEM (99 percent of the credit grantors and collection agencies) WILL BE HELD LIABLE FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT, UNDER on this landmark decision based upon the following cases:
Based upon this ruling, the Complainant, Vance Dotson, and Robert Paisola are creating a class action lawsuit against The Debt Collection Industry and The Credit Granting Community.
If you have been a victim of this scam, please send your information to 

Speaking  to a representative of Midland Credit Management, "We can not believe that the Federal Court ruled against us.  This puts the entire system of debt validation into question."

"The Federal Class Action Lawsuit seeks $525,000,000 (Million Dollars) in Actual Damages and A MINIMUM OF 900 Million Dollars in Punitive Damages. "

Stay tuned for further information, as this issue effects millions of Americans who have fell victim to Trans Union, Experian, and Equifax.  This also has serious implications for Business Credit Gathering Agencies, such as Dunn and Bradstreet and Experian Business Credit 

For The Media:
Vance Dotson can be reached at
Robert Paisola can be reached at  

For The Victims:

Congratulations America, Your Voice is being heard! We won! for Constant Updates

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