

To our readers, listeners and viewers around the world:

Many of you are aware of the current investigation that has been commenced into a property in Las Vegas Nevada USA called THE SKY LAS VEGAS.  That investigation started as a simple look into corporate policy of how a company (Prescott Management ) does business, and blossomed into a full scale Investigation.

We have spent countless hours interviewing members of the staff of Prescott, Members of the Board of Directors of various Prescott Management Properties, and what we have found is nothing short of startling.


Lets look at the basic factual outline of what actually happened in the Kingdom of the Sky Las Vegas:

1. A Property that is owned by multiple parties, such as The Sky Las Vegas, elects a Board of Directors, normally from the populace or owners pool, to make sure that things at their property are taken care of

2. That Board of Directors is responsible (under the law) to do certain things. Among the things they do is take care of the money, make sure that the property is properly manages, take care of security, deal with litigation etc.

3. The People on the Board of Directors (in this case) decided to hire a professional management company.  They used a process called an RFP (Request For Proposal) that was open for any organization to bid on.
In that RFP, it outlined the responsibilities that the Board of Directors, who represent the owners of the property, demand from a Property Management Company

4. The Bids were collected and reviewed by members of the Board of Directors. Remember, these are ELECTED OFFICIALS who represent a multi million dollar property, and under the law, they have the OBLIGATION to ensure that "Things Get Done Correctly"

5. So they hire a company called Prescott Management. They are a small time Property Management Company compared to People we deal with like The Trump Organization and Carl Ichan.  And the Company that they hire decides to hire a property manager.  So they decide to bring this lady from Chicago, Christine Gibbs to Las Vegas and hand her a stack of books called the BYLAWS and REGULATIONS and she is now in charge of managing the day to day operations of the property.  You know for sure that the Board of Directors is not going to waste their time dealing with "who will be the flower vendor"

6. So Gibbs is hired by Prescott, who is hired by the Board of Directors.  She is IN from the beginning, as she is the "Chosen One" that opened the property and now receives a salary of over $130,000 USD for her daily duties, among which includes deciding which vendor should be hired to place fresh flowers in the lobby. picking a company to deal with Pigeon Shit Problems ("But there is no money for that" Evidence 43887-21)
as well as dealing with the day to day operations of a 400 unit building.

7. Now four years later, The Queen, Christine A. Gibbs realizes that there are people who are starting to look at not only her, but at her EMPLOYER, The Prescott Management Company.  This is far different than dealing with a bunch of friends on a board of directors. Now she was causing her company to loose MILLIONS OF DOLLARS BECAUSE OF HER ACTIONS!

8. Then, Along comes Tom Duncan, an actual member of the board that has some things to say, and some of the things he has to say are not warm and fuzzy.  Prescott Management now realizes that there may be a new sheriff in town and that the four year laid back job was coming to an end.

9. Duncan starts to ask some very hard and direct questions. These are questions about things that Gibbs and Prescott would rather not discuss... Lets keep it to the flowers. ( we wrote an article on this site about the many problems that have amassed at the Sky Las Vegas)

10. So now Christine Gibbs and Prescott Management are really getting tired of dealing with this one particular member of the Board of Directors (Who is their BOSS) who keeps asking all of these detailed questions! As a matter of fact there were so many questions that thousands of pages of data began to accumulate (in digital and paper form). The Queen of the Castle, Christine Gibbs did not like all of these details, and realized that the Kingdom that "She Had Built" (See 2010-9388:19:21) was quickly falling apart.

11. The relationships that she had built as the hostess of the party were going to hell.

12. Her relationships with the Developers of the Building were quickly going to hell because a journalist was starting to dig... and dig we did!

13. All of a sudden The Queen of the Castle, Christine Gibbs, finds herself in a position of having to explain everything that is being blasted around the world on the Internet about their company The Prescott Management Company.  That must have been a tough one!

14. So now the journalist starts receiving calls and emails from other properties around the nation that are run by The Queens Boss, Prescott Management, and the scope of the investigation widens.

15. So now that the secrets of the kingdom are getting out, there has to be someone to blame, for all of the secrets could cause her company to loose the precious Management Contract that they received from the members of the Board of Directors... and she would be out of a job!

16. So this reporter visited the Palace of the queen and was dismissed as a mere peasant.  As a matter of fact this reporter found out from interviewing STAFF MEMBERS that some of the people that live in the Castle are called THE INMATES!  The Inmates? What in the hell kind of way is that to deal with the people who pay your paycheck? So this fuels the fire and the reporter goes on a mission and spends a lot of money to get the story correct, and guess what... He had the queens own documents to prove EVERYTHING, so there was nothing she could do!

17. So the Queen, Christine Gibbs, having to follow the law, realized that she was being booted out very quickly from the kingdom.

18. So the queen devised a plan that would go unnoticed, where she would attempt to go around the Law, and provide a confidential email list of the homeowners to a lady who was an owner in San Francisco. Not only would she provide the email, but she would engage the services of a friend who worked at a Large Company called Intuit Corporation to "draft a letter that would be sent from owner in San Francisco, to the other homeowners" , as she was not permitted by law to do this herself.

19. So, with the help of the Queens staff, they began to collect the email addresses of all of the owners of the units in the building, and they even CALLED OWNERS AND ASKED FOR THEIR EMAIL ADDRESSES so that they could receive this "perfectly crafted statement"  Wow! Pretty Sneaky Right?  Hey, the people who received the letter who were the owners in the building would truly believe that the owner in San Francisco actually wrote the letter and sent it as a "VERY CONCERNED OWNER IN THE CASTLE"

20. But guess what, TWO different drafts of the letter were made for the Queens approval, and a journalist got a copy of the letters, and the journalist interviewed all of the parties, and .. yep, it was true. It was coming to an end, for there was nobody to blame.

21. Once this news spread around the world the Queen of the Kingdom realized that she had been caught red handed. And even though she was mad, all she said was "Who is Talking"

22. Now that the queen was faced with serious legal issues, among which was a sweetheart deal where the developers were behind in their association fees (over 160K MINIMUM) , The queens secrets were coming out around the world, and the letter that she had ordered to be written and sent was found by a reporter, and the whole kingdom started to crumble.  Now she had serious legal problems, because she (as an Employee) had tried to manipulate the Board of Directors to remove "Tom..The New Sheriff.. Duncan" as well as the Developers!

23. She had no choice than to attempt to destroy the developers, because the queen was DISCRIMINATING in her day to day activities, by picking and choosing who she sent to a collection company called Silver States.  This is ILLEGAL.

24. So the reporter kept digging and digging and more and more dirt began to rise to the top.  The queen did all that she could to keep the members of the board of directors on her side by pacifying them, but they all suddenly started to wake up and when they saw what was going on, they realized that they could PERSONALLY be liable.

25. So then the entire story was outlined before the United States Attorney, and ( More to Come)


Let us first begin by explaining that each and every document that is created by someone in Microsoft Word has a "rhythm" attached to it.  Microsoft has designed their software to track every single keystroke and movement that is made by a user.  By utilizing a very expensive technique called "forensic data mining" we, as investigative reporters, and members of law enforcement are able to pinpoint the exact date, time, author and company that prepared that document.  There are many other variables available to define, but this gives you an idea.

Ladies and Gentlemen, shortly, we will be presenting you with solid data backed facts that clearly show a conspiracy by and between Prescott Management, A Representative of Intuit Corporation and a rogue Board of Directors Based out of Nevada USA.

This is a memo that we have sent to the parties seeking comment:

Ms. Nance,

I am an investigative reporter, and we would like to discuss a letter that was authored by an employee of Intuit Corporation, Mr. Barry Bartl , for and on behalf of Prescott Management ( the managers of the sky) that was prepared for you, as a resident to email to the owners of the Sky Properties demanding the resignation of Tom Duncan.  If you have a comment on this matter, it is essential that you respond soon, as this will go live at 12 PM Midnight California Time Today.

As you are aware, Nevada Law strictly prohibits actions such as this, and because you were provided the email addresses from Prescott and sent the letter that was crafted by Barti for INTUIT, Intuit is now subject to a lawsuit as well as Legal Sanctions against Prescott. This data was gathered using forensic computer data gathering techniques (See Photo)

A similar request has also been made of the CEO of Intuit, Gibbs at Prescott and Yourself.

Should you desire to comment, we will publish your statement

Robert Paisola
Western Capital Multimedia
for Getty Images and CNN I Report and NBC Ground Report for International Distribution

We doubt that they will respond, however we are meeting with the United States Attorney for The District of Nevada to outline this Criminal Scheme, in addition to the many other issues partially presented here, as there are thousands of pages of data that will be examined.

As always, Defendants in a Criminal Proceeding, Including Ms Christine Gibbs, the Property Manager and the "Ringleader" of this conspiracy ( for sentencing purposes) are always to be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Western Capital Multimedia USA


To Fellow Sky Homeowners:
I am a relatively new homeowner at Sky Las Vegas.  Upon reading the most recent HOA Board Meeting Minutes, I became concerned with the discussions that had taken place.  This prompted me to engage with other homeowners and what I learned has me gravely concerned for unit owners of Sky Las Vegas.   Sky is a second home for us and our primary residence is in San Francisco where I am a board member on the HOA.  I would like to call your attention to the many blatant issues taking place at Sky:
·         Delinquent members on the Board - If you review the financial information found on the attached Balance Sheet which is posted on Skylasvegashoa.com, you will see that the property developer is delinquent on HOA assessments by $165K.  The by-laws state that a delinquent homeowner cannot serve on the board (BUT NEVADA LAW DOES NOT CONCUR ~ HAVE LISA TALK TO MICHAEL).  Currently our President is delinquent on his account.  You may ask ‘why has nothing happened?’  The answer is the board needs to initiate the action and those leading the board are the delinquent owners.
·         Select Board Members are Advocating Replacing the Current Staff -Replacing current staff is clearly a priority topic for select board members.  The reason we chose to purchase at Sky is the high quality service and attention to detail provided by the staff.  Sky offers a luxury environment and amenities that I enjoy as a homeowner and also set it apart from other condominiums visited during the search for a home in Las Vegas.  If you review the Minutes from the May 25, 2010 meeting you will see that Mr. Yashouafar states ‘there are very few people who are as qualified as Chris Gibbs’ and then goes on to say she ‘did such a fabulous job at opening up and setting up the building that now anyone could step in and do it.’   I can assure you as a board member of a building that opened at the same time as Sky Las Vegas, Chris’s expertise will be needed even more as we go forward.  If you read further in the minutes, Chris and the staff are dealing with construction defects in various areas and her knowledge and expertise is even more important now to us as homeowners.  As the developer, Mr. Yashouafar has an obligation to deal with these issues but clearly wants to avoid them.  Replacing Chris with a less qualified individual will clearly give him an out and leave us with the issues at hand.  Chris will clearly be a voice for us as homeowners.
·         Inappropriate Conduct by Select Board Members - According to commentary provided, a board member has made inappropriate comments to employees at Sky which has been documented.  There is also discussion regarding the legal risks and while the board President claims that the board does not have liability, I think this should be highly questioned.  More importantly, I find it quite disturbing that the group representing unit owners is creating this type environment for the employees that provide us the exceptional service we receive.  In the 4/30 meeting minutes you will see that there were members of the committee looking at other vendors who resigned due to inappropriate conduct by Mr. Duncan.  He did not follow a proper RFP process and claims that he was not properly trained.  Clearly this person is not qualified to be leading this initiative and appears to have his own agenda versus doing the right thing for the homeowners.
·         Renters allowed to attend Board Meetings In my experience, allowing renters to attend board meetings is uncommon.  What is most disturbing in the minutes is the fact the renter attending the meeting is actually bidding to do service for Sky.  Although the President justifies other actions by pointing to business practice, this falls completely out of lines of business practice.  Having a vendor who is bidding for on an RFP in meeting where they are being discussed along with competitors who do not have access to the discussion is completely inappropriate, unethical, and may be highly illegal.
As homeowners, I feel action needs to be taken to remove the developers and Mr. Duncan from the board.  It is completely wrong that a developer who is delinquent on their assessments is being allowed to make decisions with the funds I am paying into for the property.  It further disturbs me that they are not addressing the behavior of Mr. Duncan who is creating a hostile work environment for employees and potentially causing legal risks for us as homeowners in the process.  Whether Sky is your home or simply an investment, there are major risks taking place with the board that will impact you.  For me, this is a balance of both and I feel we need to take action to maintain the environment the management team has created as well as the investment I have made.
What can you do?
  • Sign a petition to remove Mr. Duncan and the Developers from the HOA Board.  [Lisa – I need your help as to how we instruct them.]
  • Stay engaged with what is going on at Sky Las Vegas.  I like many am not a full-time resident at Sky Las Vegas as I mentioned.  Whether it is a second home for you or a rental property, your voice is important.  [Do we want to set-up a Google Group for people to chime in? I really don’t want it to become a ‘complain about mgmt’ spot – it can be as simple as ‘does anyone know of a cleaning service’ type dialogue.  We have this in SF and it really has been handy.] (YOU CAN ALSO ENCOURAGE UNIT OWNERS TO SIGN UP ON THE ASSOCIATION’S WEBSITE SO THAT OTHER UNIT OWNERS CAN CONTACT THEM SINCE THE MANAGEMENT IS NOT ALLOWED TO PROVIDE ANY INFORAMTION) If you haven’t checked it out, the skylasvegashoa.com site has all of the information I’ve mentioned as well as much more available to us as residents/owners.  You do need a ‘Sign In Name’ and ‘Password’ which you should have received when you purchased.  If not, contact the management office to get access

To Fellow Sky Homeowners:
I am a relatively new homeowner at Sky Las Vegas.  Upon reading the most recent HOA Board Meeting Minutes, I became concerned with the discussions that had taken place.  This prompted me to engage with other homeowners and what I learned has me gravely concerned for unit owners of Sky Las Vegas.   Sky is a second home for us and our primary residence is in San Francisco where I am a board member on the HOA.  I would like to call your attention to the many blatant issues taking place at Sky:
·         Delinquent members on the Board - If you review the financial information found on the attached Balance Sheet which is posted on Skylasvegashoa.com, you will see that the property developer is delinquent on HOA assessments by $165K.  The by-laws state that a delinquent homeowner cannot serve on the board (BUT NEVADA LAW DOES NOT CONCUR ~ HAVE LISA TALK TO MICHAEL).  Currently our President is delinquent on his account.  You may ask ‘why has nothing happened?’  The answer is the board needs to initiate the action and those leading the board are the delinquent owners.
·         Select Board Members are Advocating Replacing the Current Staff -Replacing current staff is clearly a priority topic for select board members.  The reason we chose to purchase at Sky is the high quality service and attention to detail provided by the staff.  Sky offers a luxury environment and amenities that I enjoy as a homeowner and also set it apart from other condominiums visited during the search for a home in Las Vegas.  If you review the Minutes from the May 25, 2010 meeting you will see that Mr. Yashouafar states ‘there are very few people who are as qualified as Chris Gibbs’ and then goes on to say she ‘did such a fabulous job at opening up and setting up the building that now anyone could step in and do it.’   I can assure you as a board member of a building that opened at the same time as Sky Las Vegas, Chris’s expertise will be needed even more as we go forward.  If you read further in the minutes, Chris and the staff are dealing with construction defects in various areas and her knowledge and expertise is even more important now to us as homeowners.  As the developer, Mr. Yashouafar has an obligation to deal with these issues but clearly wants to avoid them.  Replacing Chris with a less qualified individual will clearly give him an out and leave us with the issues at hand.  Chris will clearly be a voice for us as homeowners.
·         Inappropriate Conduct by Select Board Members - According to commentary provided, a board member has made inappropriate comments to employees at Sky which has been documented.  There is also discussion regarding the legal risks and while the board President claims that the board does not have liability, I think this should be highly questioned.  More importantly, I find it quite disturbing that the group representing unit owners is creating this type environment for the employees that provide us the exceptional service we receive.  In the 4/30 meeting minutes you will see that there were members of the committee looking at other vendors who resigned due to inappropriate conduct by Mr. Duncan.  He did not follow a proper RFP process and claims that he was not properly trained.  Clearly this person is not qualified to be leading this initiative and appears to have his own agenda versus doing the right thing for the homeowners.
·         Renters allowed to attend Board Meetings In my experience, allowing renters to attend board meetings is uncommon.  What is most disturbing in the minutes is the fact the renter attending the meeting is actually bidding to do service for Sky.  Although the President justifies other actions by pointing to business practice, this falls completely out of lines of business practice.  Having a vendor who is bidding for on an RFP in meeting where they are being discussed along with competitors who do not have access to the discussion is completely inappropriate, unethical, and may be highly illegal.
As homeowners, I feel action needs to be taken to remove the developers and Mr. Duncan from the board.  It is completely wrong that a developer who is delinquent on their assessments is being allowed to make decisions with the funds I am paying into for the property.  It further disturbs me that they are not addressing the behavior of Mr. Duncan who is creating a hostile work environment for employees and potentially causing legal risks for us as homeowners in the process.  Whether Sky is your home or simply an investment, there are major risks taking place with the board that will impact you.  For me, this is a balance of both and I feel we need to take action to maintain the environment the management team has created as well as the investment I have made.
What can you do?
  • Sign a petition to remove Mr. Duncan and the Developers from the HOA Board.  [Lisa – I need your help as to how we instruct them.]
  • Stay engaged with what is going on at Sky Las Vegas.  I like many am not a full-time resident at Sky Las Vegas as I mentioned.  Whether it is a second home for you or a rental property, your voice is important.  [Do we want to set-up a Google Group for people to chime in? I really don’t want it to become a ‘complain about mgmt’ spot – it can be as simple as ‘does anyone know of a cleaning service’ type dialogue.  We have this in SF and it really has been handy.] (YOU CAN ALSO ENCOURAGE UNIT OWNERS TO SIGN UP ON THE ASSOCIATION’S WEBSITE SO THAT OTHER UNIT OWNERS CAN CONTACT THEM SINCE THE MANAGEMENT IS NOT ALLOWED TO PROVIDE ANY INFORAMTION) If you haven’t checked it out, the skylasvegashoa.com site has all of the information I’ve mentioned as well as much more available to us as residents/owners.  You do need a ‘Sign In Name’ and ‘Password’ which you should have received when you purchased.  If not, contact the management office to get access.
 Just Have the Queen Choose the best and most powerful letter and we will get it sent out!  Too bad for Barti that he has just drug his employer INTUIT CORPORATION into a multi million dollar lawsuit.... all because he decided to use his company computer and network to do the dirty work for The Queen!

We will not post legal comments on this until final review, however you can see the pattern of circumvention of Nevada Law. We have not heard from any of the parties.

You asked for it America, You have it.

Standby for Updates

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